Ans. to the Q. No. 5
Given words Similar Meanings
a. important® of great value.
b. personality® a person whose strong
character makes them
c. proud® feeling pleased and
satisfied about something.
d. Temple® a building used for
e. Hometown® the place where you were
born or lived as a child.
Ans. to the Q. No. 6
a. Chandrabati was the first woman poet of Bangla literature.
b. Kishorgong is famous for some important personalities.
c. The historical places/sites of kishorgang are Solakia Eid Ground, the Pagla Mosque, Govt. Gurudayal College, the fort of Ishah khan at Jamgal Bari, the Shah Mohammad Mosque, the Shiva temple and The Fuleshwari River.
Ans. to the Q. No. 7
Once a lion was sleeping under a tree. A mouse was playing and went up the body of the lion. The lion woke up from sleep and wanted to kill it. The mouse prayed for its life. The lion took pity and set the mouse free.
Ans. to the Q. No. 8
a. Oops! I almost fell.
b. Mary, what are you looking for?
c. Yes teacher, said Mohua softly.
d. Can I go and watch TV? asked Bulbul.
e. Will the wind give it back?
Ans. to the Q. No. 9
a. Q. Does our train leave in ten minutes?
Neg : No. it doesn’t leave in ten minutes.
b. Q. Did the clock strike one?
Neg : No. it didn’t strike one.
c. Q. Is Safia talking to her mother?
Neg : No, she is not talking to her mother.
d. Q. Am I not going to Sylhet?
Neg : No. I am not going to Sylhet.
e. Q Was there not a hare once?
Neg : No, There was not hare once.
Ans. to the Q. No. 10
a. He wants to develop his English.
b. Do you live in Dhaka?
c. The sky became dark/The sky got dark.
d. Raka has got cold.
e. The school is opposite the post office.
Note : ˆZvgiv evsjv ZzGj BsGiwR Abyev` KiGe|
Ans. to the Q. No. 11
ঠিক আছে। আমাদের দেশে অনেক স্থান আছে। তুমি চা বাগানের সৌন্দর্য উপভোগ করার জন্য শ্রীমঙ্গল যেতে পার। সেখান থেকে তুমি মাধবকুণ্ড যেতে পার যেখানে তুমি অনেক সুন্দর ঝর্ণা দেখতে পাবে।
অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।