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Google Glass App Store Coming Next Year

Get ready, Glassholes: Google Glass will get its very own app store next year.
The long-awaited news was first revealed rather off-handedly in a long New York Times Magazine piece this weekend, and Google has since confirmed it to the blog Marketing Land. Google did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tuesday night.
See also: Got Google Glass? Don't Be a Glasshole
It's expected that the Glass app store will debut next year, and as Times writer Clive Thompson notes, a 2014 launch date for the store does makes sense because Glass will be available to the general public by that time.
Will the Glass app store stand on its own, or be integrated into Google Play? What will the process to get apps listed in the store be like? These are among the many questions that have yet to be answered.
The addition of an actual app store and wider Glass adoption should only cause an exponential growth in the cool ways people use Google's wearable tech. We've already seen it hacked to fly a drone, used to live stream a surgery and leveraged as a virtual tour guide.
What's next? Share your best, coolest and most out-there Google Glass ideas in the comments.
Image: Mashable, Nina Frazier

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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