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John Kerry to Discuss Syria Policy on Google Hangout

Secretary of State John Kerry will answer questions about the conflict in Syria and the United States government's response to the alleged chemical attack during a Google Hangout on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. ET, per an announcement from the Department of State.
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and Lara Setrakian, founder of the website Syria Deeply, will host the Hangout. Kerry participated in a Hangout in May when he became the first secretary of state to use Google's platform.
See also: War in Syria: A Timeline of Key Events Since Chemical Attacks
Kristof and Setrakian will also be joined by Andrew Beiter, regional education coordinator for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and a social studies teacher Springville Middle School in Springville, N.Y.
Viewers can participate in the Hangout by posting questions to Kristof's Google + Page or tweeting questions to @NickKristof and @Lara using the hashtag #TalkSyria.
The Hangout will be available here. We will update this post as soon as it's possible to embed the live video.
Image: David Bebber/AFP/Getty Images

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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