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Conan O'Brien's LinkedIn Page Is Just as Good as You'd Hope

Conan O'Brien has built up massive followings on Twitter, Facebook and Google+, but now the late night host has his sights set on "conquering" a new social network: LinkedIn.
During Thursday night's episode of Conan, O'Brien revealed that he had created a LinkedIn profile page and was dedicating himself to building up a following on the network. "While other celebrities spend their time trying to get more Twitter followers and Facebook Likes, I decided just a few hours ago that I am going to conquer LinkedIn," O'Brien said. "Here's the only problem: I don't know what LinkedIn ... I've never been on the site."
See also: Conan O'Brien Buys Mashable, Ousts Pete Cashmore as CEO
The profile page that O'Brien created is every bit as good as you would hope. O'Brien describes himself as the "CEO at Conan" and lists his (brief) job working as a "temporary consultant" for the Tonight Show and his lesser-known job as a "lighting designer" at Applebees.

Further down the page, some of the skills O'Brien lists include "blaming my father," "pretending to listen," and of course, "Microsoft Excel." Under the honors and awards section, he lists the Oscar won by his doppelganger Tilda Swinton in Michael Clayton.

As of publication, O'Brien has gone from zero to more than 500 connections on LinkedIn.
Image: Kevin Winter/Getty

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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