Soon, amateur moviemakers will have the ability to give their films a professional superhero makeover.
Comic book legend Stan Lee will create four new superheroes exclusively for Plotagon, a software platform that allows users to create animated movie, Christoper Kingdon, the company's founder, told Mashable.
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Plotagon, which is available for download for both Windows and OS X, translates a user's written script into visual characters, scenes and dialogue.
"People don't just want to consume these days," Kingdon said. "They want to create. They want to partake. With our software, they're very much in the action."
The software currently comes with five characters and six environments, but moviemakers can buy additional characters — such as those from Alice in Wonderland and Pride & Prejudice — from the software's built-in store.
Lee’s superheroes expansion pack will be available in Plotagon’s store for $9.99 in early November. In addition to the superheroes, it will come with new scenes and settings to serve as a backdrop for Lee's characters.
“I have had great fun creating all my characters and have really enjoyed seeing my fans creating their own stories,” Lee told Variety. “Now, through this collaboration with Plotagon, they can create their own superhero movies.”
Lee, 90, is the former president and chairman of Marvel Comics. Lee is also known for creating some of the comic book world's most iconic characters, such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Hulk and the X-Men.
Kingdon said Plotagon partnered with Lee because of his ability to create timeless characters.
"He's still quite modern, and he understands the importance of his fans," he said.
Based in Sweden, the company launched in August and calls the software a kind of "magical typewriter."
Image: Michael Buckner/Getty Images
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