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Halloween Proven to Increase Literacy Rates

There are many people who frown upon the tradition of Halloween. Kids begging for tooth-rotting candy have given the holiday a bad rap.
But you can't deny the good that Halloween has done for the world, especially literacy rates.
See also: 9 Books Scarier Than Any Horror Movie
In this comic, Josh Mecouch of Formal Sweatpants points out that horror-filled storybooks have encouraged kids to read — even if the material of choice is a tad questionable.
BONUS: 10 Kids Unaware of Their WTF Halloween Costume
That alien gruesomely emerging from an infant's chest should certainly make your skin crawl.
Beside the fact that this kid is dressed like a brutal serial killer, we're also positive he's bored out of his mind strapped to that dollie. How's he going to trick-or-treat in that, anyway?
Sorry, kid. You're not fooling anyone.
Nothing says you're a hippie more than dressing your kid in this leafy green costume.
Between the fake blood and the noose, this is the darkest child's costume we've seen yet.
We feel strapped for air just looking at this photo.
Dressing an infant as a murderous drug dealer seems like a questionable choice.
The least offensive part of this costume are its tacky gold accents.
This terrible costume speaks for itself.
Comic illustration by Josh Mecouch, Formal Sweatpants. Published with permission; all rights reserved.

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