Mass markdowns are coming.
See also: Line Extends Around Block for 99 Cent Store on Black Friday
Hordes of people willing to knock you unconscious for the last Xbox are coming. Lines around the block for a good deal on headphones are coming.
If you want to make it out alive, look no further than the men and women of Game of Thrones. They've gotten through worse than Black Friday checkout lines.
If they didn't set their alarms, they don't deserve doorbusters.
The crowd is large. The crowd is sale-hungry. Be brave.
You got out of bed before the sun came up for a purpose -- you can't back down just because a marriage is ending in the electronics aisle.
If that lady thinks she can rip the Xbox out of your hands, she'll try it.
On Black Friday, it's every man for himself, and you can't let your friends hinder in your mad dash toward the blenders.
Zero in on the boots. You will be leaving with those boots.
They can guide you through this challenging day.
Improper shoes is a rookie mistake you won't make again.
And make sure it has plenty of protein.
You don't need a game plan, just your game face.
Picture the looks of disappointment on Christmas morning, all directed at you.
Photo courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
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