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Chuck Norris Tops Jean-Claude Van Damme's Epic Split

Tough guy Chuck Norris apparently couldn't resist trying to top Jean-Claude Van Damme's epic split for Volvo, though Chuck appears to have gotten some CGI help.
The action star appears in a holiday video from Hungarian animation firm Delov Digital, in which he recreates Van Damme's feat between two jets and with 11 soldiers on his shoulders.
See also: Jean-Claude Van Damme Stunt Was Real But Not That Dangerous
It's not clear if Norris worked with Delov on this. Reps from the firm could not be reached for comment.
Still, it's more fuel for Chuck Norris Facts, the classic parody website. In light of Norris' other achievements there (did you know that when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone he had three missed calls from Chuck Norris?), this isn't all that epic after all.
Image: Getty/Jason Merritt

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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