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Scoring Obama's NSA Speech, Point by Point

Privacy advocates will be keeping score during Barack Obama's speech on government surveillance Friday, during which he will reportedly announce an overhaul to the NSA's metadata program.
After months of reports on NSA surveillance based on leaked secret documents, Obama is expected to announce reforms to the agency's procedures. In anticipation of Obama's speech, the Electronic Frontier Foundation published a scorecard that the group will use to keep track of Obama's speech.
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The graphic (below) includes 12 of what the EFF calls "common-sense fixes that the President could — and should — announce," as well as a column to mark a score for each reform.
"Fixing all of them will go a long way toward restoring America’s trust in its government and resolving some of the most egregious civil liberties abuses of the NSA," EFF directors Cindy Cohn and Rainey Reitman wrote in a blog post.

The EFF plans to post fill out the scorecard and publish an updated version after Obama's speech, which begins at 11 a.m. ET Friday.
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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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