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Venezuela Protests Mapped: Tweets, Photos and Videos From the Ground

As the protests in Venezuela press on, the unrest is simultaneously unfolding online as well. The Venezuelan government has been aggressive in controlling traditional media, pulling a Colombian news channel from satellite listings and revoking the press credentials of CNN journalists.
The government's attempts to tighten its grip on the Internet, meanwhile, are still somewhat limited. Government supporters and officials are on Twitter to spread their message. But the social network isn't just a propaganda tool for government leaders. Opposition protesters use Twitter as their last resort to get the word out to the world. And Venezuelans are turning to it to document the unrest.
See also: Protests Persist in Venezuela: 24 Photos From the Conflict
The map below shows the most important moments since the protest began, as told through tweets, YouTube videos and photos uploaded on Flickr from across the country.

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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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