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Congress Approves Ukraine Aid as Russia Maintains Grip on Crimea

Congress voted overwhelmingly to approve an aid package for Ukraine and impose sanctions against Russian for annexing Crimea.

In a rather rare display of bipartisanship, the decision — the Senate voted 98-2, and the House voted 399-19 — is further proof of support for Ukraine's newly formed government.

See also: In Pictures, Crimea's New Russian Identity

The legislation, which will be sent to President Obama by the end of this week, will provide up to $1 billion in loan guarantees and $100 million in direct assistance. This comes on the heels of a preliminary agreement between Ukraine's government and International Monetary Fund for a loan program of $14 to $18 billion.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez, D-N.J., and Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., left, hold a news conference just after the Senate passed the Ukraine Aid Bill on Thursday, March 27, 2014.

Image: J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press

The sanctions against Russia specifically target top officials, including President Vladimir Putin, for their hand in taking over Ukraine's Crimea region and then annexing the area after it encouraged a vote, in which 97% of Crimea residents voted to join Russia.

However, the United Nations on Thursday said it will not recognize Russia's claim over Crimea, saying it "has no validity" and that parties involved should work toward a peaceful resolution immediately.

"It's not a done deal in the sense that the international community by and large is not recognizing the annexation of Crimea," Obama said during the nuclear summit at The Hague, Netherlands, this week.

However, both reporters and residents in Crimea see it differently. There are Russian troops on the ground, and they have forcibly taken over Ukraine's military bases there.

"Obviously, the facts on the ground are that the Russian military controls Crimea," the president said. "And so what we can bring to bear are the legal arguments, the diplomatic arguments, the political pressure, the economic sanctions that are already in place to try to make sure that there’s a cost to that process."

While Obama said the U.S. has no plans to invade Russia or intervene in the escalating situation in Crimea, he continues to stress that he, along with the UN and other world leaders, will continue pressuring Russia through moves like sanctions that include travel bans and asset freezes.

"It would be dishonest to suggest that there’s a simple solution to resolving what has already taken place in Crimea," Obama said.

সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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