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Paralyzed Men Move Their Legs Again With Breakthrough Spinal Treatment

Researchers at the University of Louisville had only intended to study nerve pathways, but they made a far more surprising discovery. By applying electrical stimulation to the spinal cord through the use of an implant, patients with chronic complete paralysis were able to move.

After the initial findings with patient Rob Summers, three other paralyzed men were tested and able to move their legs, wiggle their toes.

See also: Brain Electrodes Could Mean Movement For Spinal Injury Patients [VIDEO]

CNN spoke with a spinal surgeon who called the discovery a “breakthrough.” “It shows you can have a living spinal cord under the layer of their injury,” he said.

Improvements didn’t stop at recovered movement. The men regained muscle mass and regulation of blood pressure as well as a dramatic improvement in their sense of well-being.

The study was published in the journal Brain.

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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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