01.In 3 December 2011 , CNN GPS reported that Every religion has its true believers and its doubters, its pious and its pragmatists, but new evidence suggests that Muslims tend to be more committed to their faith than other believers. The report could not find out the reason of the question why muslim are more religious ?[1] 02.This Question's answer is related to the answer of the question" why other religious followers become less religious or atheist .Our ourobservation and analysis to find out that question's answer reveals that the central reason of being atheist or less religious is"Logical mind".[2] People , who are living in Democratic state and an ardent supporter of Democracy , would be atheist or less religious if they become logical in their thinking . Democracy asks to it's follower to be atheist or to keep their religion in personal level.All laws and policies whether it is political , economic or social are taken from majority people's vote[3]. Even God's law can be repealed by majority people's intention . God is captive in Church and mosque .Religion plays a little role in Democratic state . Moreover Religion creats division and sectarian tension among people that could not be solved by nationality . He , who is ardent supporter of democracy andliving in Democratic state , does not feel any necessity of religion and thinks religion as an obstacle to strengthen Democracy and develop their country. there are no difference in way of life between a atheist and theist .Religion means some useless acitivites ( faith, go to Church or mosque a week and some charity work )[4]. without religion you will see that a Good person is doing good deeds and a bad person is doing bad deeds . but when it is religion, it will create an obstacle in your personnal freedom[5] . A logical brain can not keep these real facts aside .These facts steer him in becoming atheist or less religious .Although there are two facts that make logical mind religious . That are mental depression and people inherent nature to incline to a superpower[6] . When people reach an impass, they try to find out someone who will help them . But unfortunately, no one comes to rescue them and they returned to God who is always with his servant . He does not look at his servant's work when his servant comes back to him. . It would make themreligious . But it is not able to make him ardent supporter of religion . but there could be many alternative ways to solve the people's mental disorder .so you do not need to belief if you know. 03.Holy Quran first convenes it's followers to be logical and more practical in accepting all things that they need to lead their life[7].Holy Quran offers a complete guideline of people' political , economic, social , personal , national , international life[8] Holy Quran challenges human beings to find out one error in itself or to show at least one law which is superior than itself [9]. It predicts scientific invention from a desert[10] Also how a book that was written 1400 years ago managed to explain scientific situations that was only discovered by man kind only a couple of year ago.[11] Or how the Quran has managed to explains how babies develop in the womb ?[12] It also shows a way of establishing a society that has strong family customs and high morality. Its economic system ensure poor's right and establish an acceptable class gap which are impossible to be seen in any society[13] .In every step of life , a muslim gets guideline from Islam that makes him more disciplined, obedient to his parents, responsible to his society , kind on poor . These blessings in his life enlights his mind to sacrifice for other than enjoying life. He can sacrifice his life for Islam and his prophet (s.m) who is most influential person in world history.[14] These facts make a logical muslim brain satisfied and he become more logical , he become more religious. A muslim see and feel necessity of religion at his every aspect of his life..Whereas a non-muslim's logical brain , living in Democratic state makes him less religious or atheist . 04. We have strived to draw the way of thinking of a muslim and a non-muslim which steer them to become more religious or less religious. A muslim could say , the way of thinking of non muslim is not correct .In same way , an atheist could think that muslim's way of thinking is not logical . But for the fact we have explored , is to find out the way of thinking which make them religious and atheist . Which way of thinking is correct , it is not our topic here to be discussed . References: 1. CNN GPS Report . Click This Link 2. It is my personall thesis . anyone's opinion would contadict with mine . It is not explanation from Islam . If anyone want to blame for this explanation , she or he should do against me . Do not do it Islam as explanation belongs to me . 3. Fundamental pricipale of democracy.http://www.stanford.edu/~ldiamond/iraq/DemocracyEducation0204.htm. 4. What Cristanity means ? Click This Link 5. Personal freedom Gay Vs Religion. Click This Link 6.La Revanche De Dieu , @ Gilles Kepel 7. Holly Quran.Sura Allak Verse No. 1-4 8. 9. Hollly Quran Sura All Baqara . Verse no. 1- 4 10.Quran & Modern Science by Dr Zakir Naike http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E66BYipz0o0 11.Book name: Science, Bible and Quran by Moris Bukaily 12. Quran and Embryology Prof. Keith L.Moore.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G3M9K_gJdc 13. Introduction Of islamic Economy system .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_economic_jurisprudence. 14. Machiel H . Heart . Book name THE Hundreads
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