Product name: Ring Clock
Price: $195 on Indiegogo
Who would like this?: Early adopters, technophiles, people who run late and hate watches
Move over wristwatch, there’s a new time-teller in town and it doesn't need a fancy “smart” interface to attract techies. Meet the Ring Clock, a watch for your digits that is nothing –- absolutely nothing –- like the ring watches you wore and subsequently abhorred in middle school.
The trend from the early '00s has gotten a major overhaul, and the result is something that feels akin to a gadget James Bond might wear. And that’s just the feeling you get before you watch the opening to the video.
Using a wirelessly charging battery and LED lights, the Ring Clock displays the time when you rotate the ring, lighting up three different rows that represent the hour, minute and each second as it passes by. Each turn on the device lights up the time for up to a minute.
The gadget is water-resistant, so you don't have to take it off when you wash your hands — though showering, swimming, snorkeling or submerging the device in water for long periods of time are not recommended. Much like high-quality wristwatches, the Ring Clock is made of stainless steel, is allergy free and won't oxidize or turn black.
You’ll get up to a week's worth of lifetime from one full charge (assuming 15 activations per day) or two hours of constant use. Charging time takes at most two hours, and the charger itself looks akin to a mini UFO.
Image: Courtesy of Ring Clock
The ring was first designed by Gusztav Szikszai for a challenge hosted by called Moving Innovation. The goal was to create a product that couldn't exist at the time, but could ten years from then, with the right technological innovations. After photos of the product leaked online, Szikszai was flooded with inquireis about where to purchase the device, and he set up an Indiegogo for the project. On that platform, the team raised more than $100,000 over the original monetary goal, and the Ring Clock became a reality.
“I never wore a watch on my wrist because I don't like the feeling, but I like watches in general,” said Szikszai on Indiegogo. “So I used that opportunity to let my mind come up with something that I could wear, the Ring Clock.”
The ring comes in sizes 5 to 15 and is currently selling for $195. Though earliest estimated delivery is April 2014, the Ring Clock still makes a great gift for anyone into the next new thing, or anyone tired of these:
Image: Courtesy of Ring Clock
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