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Spotify Unveils Valentine's Day Playlists for Soulmates and Singles

Whether you're planning a romantic date or celebrating the single life this Valentine's Day, you're going to want some tunes to guide you through the night.
To help, Spotify released three Valentine's Day-themed playlists that feature popular love ballads for both the love-struck and heartbroken.

The first playlist is based on Spotify's analysis of which tracks have been streamed the most on Feb. 14 in recent years, with Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" claiming the top spot (well done, Spotify users). These tracks are loaded with inspiration for those struggling to find the right way to tell that special someone how much they mean.

For those who seek nothing but the best in romantic power ballads, Spotify worked with Jacob Jolij, assistant Professor in Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience, to uncover the formula for the perfect love song. Whatever their methods were, we're not going to question a playlist that leads with Adele and Marvin Gaye.

Last but not least, if you're riding solo this year, Spotify compiled a playlist of empowering jams inspired by celebrated single lady Bridget Jones. So don't fret if you're single this year, as you still deserve some R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Besides, House of Cards season 2 is being released on Feb. 14 — who has time for romantic dates when there are 13 new episodes of backstabbing to binge-watch?

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BONUS: 11 'House of Cards' Valentines to Lobby Your Lover's Heart

সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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