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ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা : মডেল টেস্ট

Read the passage fully and answer the following questions:    Long ago and far away, there was an old farmer who had seven sons. One day, the old farmer was lying on his bed and he thought that he would not live much longer. He gathered his sons about him. He told a servant to bring in a bundle of seven sticks tied together. He handed the bundle to his oldest son and said to him, “Son, now break the bundle.”
  The son tried with all his might, but he could not break the bundle. One by one, the other brothers tried. None of them was strong enough. 
    The father smiled. “Now, my sons, untie the bundle. Each of you, take a stick and try to break it. “This time they had no difficulty breaking the sticks. In a few moments, all the sticks were broken. 
The old man looked at his sons affectionately and said, “Remember, in unity there is strength.”
1. Choose the best answer : 
a. Aesop was a storyteller of——-Greece/ Greek/ the Greeks/ The Greek
b. Aesop was a Greek——Slave/ Judge/ President/ Beggar
c. The farmer was lying on his———-living bed/ bed/ death bed/ soft bed.
d. The old farmer called his sons to——tie the bundle of sticks/ untie the bundle of sticks/ break the bundle of sticks/ unit the bundle of sticks.
e. The old farmer called his sons by his bedside to———test the strength of his sons/ Prove their superiority/ teach them a moral lesson
f. What is the moral of the story?——-None can break a bundle of sticks/ It is easy to break a single stick/ sticks are stronger than they/ there is strength in unity.
g. How many sticks were there in the bundle?——-three/ thirteen/ seven/ nine.
h. The sons tried hard——to break the bundle/ to tie the bundle/ to untie the bundle/ to throw the bundle away.
i. To break a single bundle they had to face no——hope/ use/ difficulty/ problem.
2. Read the passage again. Now answer the following questions :
a. Who was Aesop? b. What did he write? c. Which county did Aesop belong to?
d. Why did the old farmer call his sons? e. Did the sons become able to break the bundle of sticks?
3. Write down the name of the following parts of speech : 1x5=5
a. Beautifulness——b. Well——
c. Very—— d. If————
e. Healthy————-
4. Change the following genders into opposite : 1x5=5
a. Gander—— b. Ram———
c. Monk————
d. Last night my brother saw a tiger.
e. English Grammar divides gender into ——————kind. 
5. Change number accordingly: 1x5=5
a. Thesis—b.Woman-servant—— c. M.A———
d. They are working with datum. 
e. English Grammar divides number into ——kinds. 
6. Transform the following tense as directed. 1x5=5
a. I am ill.  Present Perfect. b. It is raining.  Past Continuous.
c. We have played football.  Past perfect.
d. They solved the problem.  Future indefinite.
e. It may rain.  Past indefinite.
7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: 1x5=5
a. Dhaka is ———the Buriganga.
b. I have no ambition—————huge money. 
c. We should abide ——-the rules of the country. 
d. She is proud ———her wealth. 
e. You prefer milk—————tea. 
8. Give tick to the correct spelling: 1x5=5
a. Aeronautics/aronatics/ aeronotics/ eronoutics 
b.Campain/campaign/campaine/ campane
c. ilness/illness/illnes/ ellness
d. disease/desease/diesease/disese
e. issuie/parallel/mantainance/manace
9. Transform the following sentences as directed: 1x5=5
a. Only Allah can save us.  Negative.
b. Fie! You are a liar.  Assertive. c. It is a matter of joy that I have come first.  Exclamatory. d. Let him learn his lessons.  passive. . e. Rome was not built in a day.  Active.
10. Answer the followings accordingly : 1x5=5
a. He told the story. ——simple/ complex/ compound sentence
b. He read attentively and  he. passed the exam.———simple/ complex/ compound/ sentence. 
c. Though he read attentively, he could not pass the exam—simple/ complex/ compound sentence. 
d. In spite of ___a phrase of simple/ Sub-ordnating conjunction/ Co-ordinating conjunction. 
e. Either........or— a phrase of simple/ sub-Ordinating-conjunction/ Co-ordinating conjunction 
11. Write down contraction form of followings accordingly. 1x5=5
a. We have done the work. 
Ans. ______________
b. I will buy a car.
Ans. ______________
c. He does not make a noise.
Ans. ______________
d. You must not disobey the superiors.
Ans. ______________
e. I am a student of class VI. 
Ans. ______________
12. Translate the following sentences into English: 1x5=5

ধ. একতাই বল। ন. আমি একজন চৌকস ক্যাডেট হতে চাই। প. তুমি কোথায় গিয়েছিলে? ফ. তুমি দীর্ঘজীবি হউ। ব. গরিবকে উপহাস কর না।

13. Write an argumentative essay on “Egg came before the chicken”





অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।

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