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Religion, God and Holocaust. The God Question

Religion. We follow them, practice them, and each of us worship individual religious God/Gods. Have we ever asked our selves why there are so many religions? Have we ever questioned them? Have we ever thought of all those evil deeds done in the name of religion? We all know religion is used by politicians as a device for obtaining their power. Religion is used on the public for dominating them. It has been used for centuries and is still being used. Events like 9/11 and many more has been blamed on religion. Political issues like these have had occurred in many different countries in many different forms and for many different reasons. We usually argue on these matters and blame the politicians for their activities. But let’s not forget the role of religion itself. Have you ever thought why God has sent all these religions on this planet? Has God sent these for testing our faith? First of all, let us look at the fact how all these religions grew up and why and how they are still practiced. In a comprehensive manner, most religions are preached by a chosen one sent by God himself. Most religions have a set of rules which are believed to be sent directly by God. If I take for instance, Islam, it has been preached by Mohammed Ibn Abdullah. A holy book has been sent down from God that contains how the world is made and why, the rules that should be followed in earth, the rights of the people in earth. The punishments that God will give to the none-believers of him and his prophet and the punishments of sinners that God will give them in hell and the punishments that should be given to them on earth. It has been preached more then 1450 years ago. Mohammed use to meditate in a cave in the mountains. He use to wonder who the creator of the world was. One day an arch angel came to him and told him what he always wanted to know. He was told to preach the massage of God to everyone. He went home and told no one about his encounter with the angel. He later on told it to his wife Khadija. He preached the religion in market places later on and was thrown out of Mecca. He later on came back to Mecca with a troop and declared war. The holy book said all the books (Bible, Geeta, etc.) was sent by God but people changed the words of those books for there own purpose. The Qur”an will be the last book sent by God and he will take responsibilities for this book. We all know that there are people out there whose faiths are as strong as it can be, in every religion. Religions survived to 21st century by adaptation mostly. Most people are Christians, Hindus, Muslims because there parents where in those particular religion(s). They where taught about there religion from early childhood. As a child, the mind will adopt to anything and if religion is put into there minds an emotional fact about there God, Culture, Hell and Heaven will grow in them. Since God has put all those religions on earth why did not he take responsibilities form the first place? Did God forget to? Or was God just playing? Did God want a war all along? Did God want a holocaust? A slaughtering of none-believers by the believers. Is God omnipotent? Ask your selves once! Is not God responsible for all these religions? Or God dose not have control over our planet? If he wanted no evil in this planet then why make Satan? If he needed us to listen to his words why dose he not tell us? Why wispier in ones ear? Even if there is a God, He dose not care about us! We can not be the apple of his eye! The universe is so large, the sun is a star which is ignorable. The probability of the formation of the universe is 1/1 Billion. And the probability of the formation of earth is even less. Then imagine how less is the probability of the formation of humans on earth. As Albert Einstein said " God can not play with dice". Everything is certainly not for earth. There are stars which are thousands of times bigger then our sun and they are millions of light years away. There light have not reached the Milky Way till now. We can not say everything is for earth. Its is useless to say so. This so supreme being has nothing to do excepting looking at us? That is hilarious. This supreme being knows everything. This supreme being knows what happened 5000 Billion years ago and knows what will happen 5000 Billion years later. He knows because He knows what he is going to do after 5000 Billion years later. He himself dose not have any freewill. He is imagery and he is nowhere but in our hallucinated minds.

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।